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Mon-Sat 09:00 am to 07:00 pm

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  • With over 95% water content, cucumbers are nature's answer to dehydration. They're perfect for keeping you cool and refreshed on a hot day, helping your body function optimally.
  • While low in calories, cucumbers offer a good dose of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamin K is crucial for strong bones, vitamin C supports immunity, and potassium helps regulate blood pressure.
  • High in fiber, cucumbers promote healthy digestion by adding bulk to stool and preventing constipation. The silica content also helps maintain a healthy gut lining.
  • Their low calorie count and high water content make cucumbers ideal for weight management. They fill you up without adding many calories, making them a satisfying snack or addition to meals.
  • Cucumbers contain various antioxidants, including beta-carotene and flavonoids, which fight free radicals in the body and potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.
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